C# Tutorial in Hindi: नीचे दिए गए सारे Articles हमारी पुस्तक C#.NET Programming Language in Hindi से लिए गए हैं जिन्हें पढकर आप इस बात का निर्णय ले सकते हैं कि ये पुस्तक आपके लिए कितनी उपयोगी
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LINQ Tutorial. Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is a powerful query language introduced with .Net 3.5 & Visual Studio 2008. LINQ can be used with C# or Visual Basic to query different data sources. LINQ tutorials will help you to learn the LINQ language using topics which go from basic to … ByteScout PDF Extractor SDK - C# - Read Hindi Text ByteScout PDF Extractor SDK - C# - Read Hindi Text Program.cs Click here to get your Free Trial version of the SDK. ByteScout PDF Extractor SDK – C# – Download and Process file. ByteScout PDF Extractor SDK – C# – Correction to Deal with Date Issue after OCR Split PDF based on keyword tutorial – C# and VB.NET samples. Visual C# Programming - Davide Vitelaru To follow this tutorial you will need the following items: ‐Knowing the basics of at least one programming language (To know what variables, arrays, functions, etc… are) ‐A computer running Windows XP/Vista/7 ‐Microsoft Visual C# Express (Click for download)